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Showing posts from November, 2012

Successful in her own way

This news came as quite a shock yesterday, from my sister. A female member of her church passed away after a six-year battle with cancer.  I got to know of her cancer a few years ago and was under the impression that she had survived the disease.   Out of curiosity, I went on to read her blog.  I knew the existence of her blog for quite a while but never bother to read it. Aren't humans like that? They only bother to learn or appreciate a person when he or she is no longer in this world.  I am no different.  I decided to read her blog to find out how she struggled against this silent killer. But, strangely, I was led to read page by page of her story.  Her family members have their own blogs too. I believe the writing genes runs in the family.  Her 'success' in raising outstanding kids intrigues me.  Perhaps, you may enjoy it too, Lion City Girl .