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Showing posts from 2015

Clear blue sky

Here's something I penned to celebrate the coming of the blue blue sky....really, it's a view to be cherished before it disappears from our life. For some of you in countries which are blessed with blue sky, we, in Malaysia, are not so fortunate. It's an annual affair where we have to put up with a stubborn layer of haze enveloping most parts of Asian countries.  I hope it's the end of the haze season.  Let's cherish while we can.

Flowers for me

A flower can make me smile. .. It's the first time I bought myself flowers. Perhaps, buying things I'd love to receive as a gift may brighten my life a little. RM12 for a stalk of stargazer (something I just learned from the florist) is nothing compared to the smile I feel beaming from my face. The florist seemed to have given me a little new hope, for the day, I hope it's not just for the day. The stargazers seemed to have given me something to look forward to. It's the hope to see them bloom. Hope is important especially when you pretty sure know there's something nice in store.