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Once a smart student, forever a smart student

Being in a field so closely associated with academics, I can't help but reminisce my good old school days.  The most distinctive pages of my early school days were those prideful days when I became a regular recipient of year-end achievement.  Every year, without fail, my school would hold its year-end Concert Day.  This was the day I looked forward to.  Not only did I get to perform on stage, it was THE important day where my hardwork throughout the year got recognised and rewarded. 

Flipping through the pages of my report book which I have kept til now, I was quite amazed that I was, in fact, a smart student then.  Don't get me wrong that I am prematurely diagnosed with Alzheimer but I just couldn't recollect the moments when my parents actually 'celebrated' pridefully of their daughter's academic achievement. Neither were they boastful to anyone (including relatives,friends or neighbours) how well their daughter did in school.  There were no gifts from them to reward my excellent results.  All I got were story books from the school. 

I still could recall those moments my name was called as the recipient of the top 1 to 3 position in the overall yearly examinations.  Going up on stage to receive my well-deserved reward was more overwhelming if my parents were present in the audience.  'I made my parents proud!' was as exclaimed through the anticipating eyes on my face.  "And they are there in the audience."

Without their presence, it was just the routine walking to the stage, bow, say 'thank you' book receiving ceremony.  'I work hard and did my best and I deserve the prize' was reeling in my mind each time I was 'alone'. 

I know I did well in my studies but it came with a lot of hard work.  And, it didn't cross my mind that what I had left behind is a legacy of consistent and commendable academic achievement which can now make my children proud.  As far as I could remember, I wasn't pressured at all by my parents to excel in my studies. I had naturally wanted to be the top student.  Achieving good results was something I pushed myself to.

Our school used to hold three terms of test annually.  Apart for 3 terms in the 16 terms of my entire primary education (2 terms in Year 1 and 5, and 3 terms each from Years 2,3,4 and 6) where I only achieved 7th, 5th and 6th ranking, I consistently stayed on the top 3 with 9 terms impressively emerging as the top student.  Talking about consistent toiling. 

To have this 'smart student' label tagged to me until I breathe my last breath is something anyone should be proud of.  It is much easier impressing upon the younger ones of what it takes to excel in their studies with such testimony to show them.  To top it all, the glory stays with the earner til eternity.


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