Should you stop paying your subscription to a professional accountancy body when you have not been practising as an accountant?
It has been almost three years since I quit from my corporate job and focusing on my own venture. As an accountant, I am required to be a member of Malaysia Institute of Accountants as well as CIMA. I have been diligently paying for their annual subscription fees although I am not practising as an accountant.
Does paying for the fees still keep you as a member or substance counts? The advice (not from anyone from the institutes) to me is to continue paying as an 'investment' in case I may require to be affiliated to the professional bodies in the future.
It has been almost three years since I quit from my corporate job and focusing on my own venture. As an accountant, I am required to be a member of Malaysia Institute of Accountants as well as CIMA. I have been diligently paying for their annual subscription fees although I am not practising as an accountant.
Does paying for the fees still keep you as a member or substance counts? The advice (not from anyone from the institutes) to me is to continue paying as an 'investment' in case I may require to be affiliated to the professional bodies in the future.